LAV Magazin 2020

48 2 nd Day 25th September 2020 16:00 Welcome Address Bodo Liesenfeld Chairman of the Board, Association for Latin America, Hamburg Peter Altmaier Federal Minister, Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, Berlin 16:20 Keynotes 16:50 Debate: The free trade agreements EU-Mercosur and EU-Mexico Moderation: Professor Dr. Henning Vöpel Director and CEO, Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI), Hamburg Participants: Dr. Christian Forwick Deputy Director-General for External Economic Relations, Trade Policy and America, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Berlin Bernd Lange Member of EU-parliament, Chairman of the Trade Committee in the European Parliament (INTA), Brussels 18:00 Parallel Forums Forum 1: New working environment, education and cooperation through digitization Moderation: Matthias Kleinhempel Head of the Center of Governance & Transparency, IAE Business School, Austral University, Buenos Aires Participants: Norbert Büning Director, Change Management & Digi- tization Expert, KPMG AG Wirtschafts- prüfungsgesellschaft, Düsseldorf Stefanie Prehm Partner, Certified Specialist in Employ- ment Law, Luther Rechtsanwalts- gesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt am Main Peter Theunert Head of Process Digitalization & International Career Service, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg Petra Angstmann Senior Vice President Human Re- sources, Wintershall Dea, Kassel and Hamburg Prof. Marco Aurélio Ruediger Director of Department of Public Policy Analysis, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-DAPP), Rio de Janeiro Conference Language English Online Focus on Latin America: Business Prospects Latin America Day 2020 Trade Agreements and Outlooks