LAV Magazin 2021

KAFFEE IST UNSERE LEIDENSCHAFT Als weltweit führende Rohka ee-Dienstleistungsgruppe mit Stammsitz in Hamburg sind wir stolz darauf, für ein Produkt zu arbeiten, das Milliarden von Menschen rund um den Erdball verbindet. Mit unseren über 50 Unternehmen in 26 Ländern bieten wir zahlreiche Serviceleistungen entlang der Ka ee-Wertschöpfungskette an und bringen so die unterschiedlichen Interessen von Ka eeproduzenten und -röstern zusammen. Für uns ist Kaffee nicht nur Geschä‹ – Ka ee ist unsere Leidenscha‹. WWW.NKG.COFFEE Latin America is seeing unprecedented levels of interest, investment and busi- ness opportunity across multiple sectors. And this is happening despite the dispro- portionate impact of COVID-19 on the region. Our region experienced one third of global COVID-19 deaths despite be- ing home to only 8 percent of the world’s population. Deaths recently surpassed 1.5 million. Compounding this impact is the increasing need to take swi action on cli- mate change, which has become the issue of our generation. We at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) want to lead the design of solutions to these challenges. So far this year, we have already seen the largest in- ows of venture capital investment in history—nearly $11.5 billion. at’s more than double what the region received in the previous two years combined. We have also seen massive growth of digital and ntech companies, which now account for a third of all ntech rms worldwide. In addition, interest is surging in Environ- mental, Social, and Governance Bonds. We must tap into that interest now so the region can reap the bene ts today, tomorrow, and beyond. To start, the IDB is leading the idea generation e ort through Vision 2025, our blueprint for develop- ment that prioritizes bold action in central areas that have the most potential jump- Mauricio Claver-Carone President of the Inter-American Development Bank starting medium and long-term growth. ese includes climate change, gender equality, integration and supply chains, digitalization, and support for small and midsize businesses. Each of these areas is essential to ensuring that the region’s recovery is rapid, robust, inclusive, and sustainable. My top priority over the past year as the IDB’s president, has been to create the building blocks and economic ecosystems required to launch a decade of inclusive growth in the region. Multilateral institutions play a key role and can build bridges with other multilaterals, companies, governments, and other ac- tors. ese stakeholders can play a critical role in leveraging expertise and resources that can set the region on a path to a type of post-pandemic recovery that promotes greater social equity and inclusion. For a truly sustainable recovery, the region also requires a more robust ecosys- tem for small businesses and the private sector, improved governance, stronger institutions, greater resilience to climate change, and a reduced carbon footprint. e pandemic and ongoing global chal- lenges have underscored the interconnect- edness of our world and the importance of working together. at’s why in all these areas, we see many opportunities for expanded cooperation with German orga- nizations and rms. e Government of Germany is an essential partner for the IDB and our region in key sectors. For instance, they joined forces with us and the Government of Switzerland to develop the IDB-man- aged Technical and Vocational educa- tion and Training (TVET) Fund, which has been rapidly committing resources to boost the employability of the region’s citizens through transformed TVET pro- gramming. Germany is a founding coun- try of the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi), which has provided millions to support IDB Group-led initia- tives to empower women entrepreneurs in the region. Just last year, we worked with KfW to mobilize €350 million in co- nancing through a multi-donor emergency pro- gram on income support for vulnerable populations in Brazil. e German gov- ernment is also at the forefront of our innovative nance and climate action e orts, serving as a partner in the Green Bond Transparency Platform, which promotes transparency and compara- bility in the region’s green bond market to enhance investment. Yet to achieve the strategic objectives laid out in Vision 2025, and to secure a decade of growth, it is particularly crucial that we double down on our collaboration with private entities. In February, our cor- porate partners joined us to launch the Private Sector Partners Coalition for the Future of LAC—a cross-industry alliance of the world’s most disruptive companies, which are now closely collaborating with our technical teams to channel private support to the region. With more than 160 active participants—to include Ger- man rms such as Bayer, BMW Group, Deutsche Bank, DHL, PTV Group, Sie- mens and Volkswagen—our joint work can do much more to bring sustainable growth to Latin America and the Carib- bean. Let’s build on this existing collaboration and bring in other stakeholders to create a coalition that can work to ensure that prosperity and growth bene ts everyone in our countries. It is impossible to get there alone. On behalf of our 26 borrow- ing member countries, I hope you will join us. e wave of support we have seen for the Coalition is, to me, an important signal of widespread corporate commitment to the region. Latin America and Caribbean: A New Decade of Opportunities 16 International Development Bank – IDB