Veranstaltungen der LAV-Young Professionals


  • Datum: Am 14.12.2020
  • Land:
  • Kategorie:Junioren Termine

Financing, Risk and Invoicing in Latin America 2020/21

Dear LAV-Young Professionals, Yes, we can! and we have a new name: “Young Professionals” in the LAV. I am happy about it. For the last…

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Dear LAV-Young Professionals,

Yes, we can! and we have a new name: “Young Professionals” in the LAV. I am happy about it.

For the last event in this atypical year, we would like to meet online and talk business - this time about the “real thing”: money.

14th December 2020, 3 p.m. CET (45 minutes), online
Financing, Risk, and Invoicing in Latin America –
Our Experiences and Comments for 2020/21

How was your expectation on invoicing and financing at the outbreak of the pandemic in March/April? How did the year develop and what are your expectations for 2021? 

Since you come from different sectors and countries, this would be an interesting exchange to get a “feeling” for business at present in the Latin American region.

Some of you have views and experience in Cuba and we would be pleased if you could put in your questions and answers in sales for this country, as it is very specific. And any news on Venezuela? Colombia, Brazil, Peru and Mexico remain challenging.

I would like to meet you online on Zoom and I hope to organize some “break out” sessions in small groups, so that it feels like a workshop or intense dialog.

Please register here:  b.sachsse(at)

  • Datum: Am 10.12.2020
  • Land:Argentinien
  • Kategorie:Junioren Termine

Argentina and Germany in the new post-pandemic world order

The Young German Council on Foreign Relations Forum Hanseatic Cities, in cooperation with the Consulate General of the Republic of Argentina…

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The Young German Council on Foreign Relations Forum Hanseatic Cities, in cooperation with the Consulate General of the Republic of Argentina and Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI) invites you to an evening of lectures and discussion:

Argentina and Germany in the new post-pandemic world order
Thursday, 10 December 2020, at 18:30 via zoom

with Prof. Francisco de Santibañes

  • Since 2019 General Director, Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI) · Since 2019 Professor Universidad Austral, Master in Public Policy
  • Since 2019 Global Fellow, Wilson Center, Washington, DC

and with Prof. Dr. Detlef Nolte

  • Since 2019 Associate Fellow of the German Council on Foreign Relations · 2006 - 05/2018: Director of the GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies
  • 2018 - 2019: Professor at the University of São Paulo (USP), Universidad Católica (Santiago de Chile), FLACSO Argentina and Universidad del Salvador (Buenos Aires)

The event will take place online as a video conference and in English. You will have the opportunity to participate in discussions and ask questions.

Please register HERE for the zoom meeting. After registration you will receive a confirmation email with further information.

We look forward to your participation and a lively discussion.

  • Datum: Am 27.08.2020
  • Branche:Handel, Im- und Export
  • Kategorie:Junioren Termine

Webconference: “10.000 km to eat a banana?”

Thursday, 27th August 2020, 17:00 h CEST, 12:00 BRT, 10:00 ECT, 11:00 COT Dear LAV Junioren, Join us in a speech and discussion on trade!…

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Thursday, 27th August 2020, 17:00 h CEST, 12:00 BRT, 10:00 ECT, 11:00 COT

Dear LAV Junioren,

Join us in a speech and discussion on trade! This time we will talk about traditional, classic, usual trade routes of agricultural goods and sustainable trends or not on a traditional almost commodity product like BANANA.

Norika Lopez wrote about it in her Bachelor thesis “The valuation of external effects in the production of goods on the example of the banana production in Ecuador”.

We are looking forward to hear your point of view both as a consumer, a trader or maybe logistics.

Date: 27.08.2020
Time: 17:00 CEST,  
12:00 BRT, 10:00 ECT, 11:00 COT

Language: English
Speaker: Norika López, Bachelor Economics, intern at LAV

Andreas Schindler, Geschäftsführer, Don Limón. 
Duration: 60 Min


We will have an insight on the banana trade flows between Ecuador and the European Union, specially Germany. And the challenge of competition for this tasty fruit from other countries as Colombia, Costa Rica, Brazil etc. The external effects - economic and social - of the banana production. The importance of the banana sector for the Ecuadorian economy and why is it difficult to achieve sustainable agriculture nowadays. How does the agricultural sector work and how could or should it work?

We are looking forward to meeting you on Zoom and if you already have thoughts or questions, feel free to send them beforehand. Please register under: n.lopez(at)

Best regards and stay healthy!

Betina Sachsse

  • Datum: Am 25.06.2020
  • Kategorie:Junioren Termine

ZOOM-Conversation on actual business

Thursday, 25th June 2020, 17:30 h MEZ, ZOOM-Web-Conference (60 minutes) Dear LAV-Juniors, we would like to invite you to an informal…

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Thursday, 25th June 2020, 17:30 h MEZ, ZOOM-Web-Conference (60 minutes)

Dear LAV-Juniors,

we would like to invite you to an informal conversation about your present economic experience and at the same time to discuss future business perspectives with and in Latin America.

Each one of you should not only take part as a participant, but also as a speaker, i.e. be active on sharing experiences and proposing questions.

Taking into consideration the main industries represented in this group, I would like to moderate sections on the following subjects:

  • Personal working situation, in office during Corona times (perspective on business travel, home office or not anymore, contact keeping to Latin America, crisis management, budget recalculation, value chains, new budget or less projects).
  • Sector/industry development 2019 + in the last 3 months + in the future for:
  • Logistics
  • Legal advice, contracts, and main subjects: industry development 2019 + in the last 3 months + future
  • Chemical
  • Food
  • Pharma
  • Medical Devices
  • Machines and Components, Engineering
  • Automotive
  • Water Industry
  • Recycling
  • Agribusiness

Please register by email to b.sachsse(at), mentioning your industry area and countries where you / your company are active.

Attention: 17:30h MEZ is for example 12:30h in Brasil, .... in Colombia and .... in Mexico.

We are looking forward to your input!

Best regards



Einladung LAV-Junioren – ZOOM-Gespräch zur Wirtschaft

am Donnerstag, den 25. Juni 2020, 17:30 Uhr MEZ, ZOOM-Webkonferenz (60 minutes)

Liebe LAV-Junioren und LAV-Juniorinnen,

wir möchten euch herzlich zu einem Gespräch einladen, um über eure aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Erfahrungen zu sprechen und gleichzeitig Perspektiven für die Zukunft der Geschäfte mit Lateinamerika zu präsentieren.

Jeder soll nicht nur TeilNehmer, sondern auch TeilGeber sein und aktiv reden und Fragen stellen.

Unter Berücksichtigung der Hauptbranchen, die in dieser Gruppe vertreten sind, möchte ich Abschnitte moderieren, die folgendermaßen aussehen:

  • Arbeitssituation persönlich im Office zu Corona-Zeiten (Geschäftsreisen, Homeoffice oder nicht mehr Home, Kontaktpflege nach Latein Amerika, Krisenmanagement, Budget Neuaufstellung, Erweiterungen oder Einsparungen)
  • Branchenentwicklung 2019 + in den letzten 3 Monaten + Zukunft von:
  • Logistik
  • Rechtsberatung, Verträge und Hauptthemen: Branchenentwicklung 2019 + in den letzten 3 Monaten + Zukunft
  • Chemie
  • Food
  • Pharma
  • Medizintechnik
  • Maschinenbau
  • Automobil
  • Wasserwirtschaft
  • Recycling
  • Landwirtschaft

Bitte meldet Euch unter b.sachsse(at)  an und nennt in der Email die Branche und Länder, in denen ihr tätig seid.

Wir freuen uns!

Viele Grüße


  • Datum: Am 07.02.2020
  • Kategorie:Junioren Termine

LAV-Junioren NRW Meeting in Düsseldorf

Das neue Jahr ist da! Auch eine neue, aber bekannte LAV-Ambassadorin für NRW haben wir: Franka Okon, Accounting&Finance Manager und…

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Das neue Jahr ist da! Auch eine neue, aber bekannte LAV-Ambassadorin für NRW haben wir: Franka Okon, Accounting&Finance Manager und Handlungsbevollmächtigte bei PROMAN mbH.

Und wahrscheinlich habt Ihr auch neue Strategien für Lateinamerika oder alte Erfahrungen mit der Region. Unter der Moderation von Betina vom LAV möchten wir uns im informellen Rahmen kurz vorstellen und uns über die eigenen Pläne, die internationale Erfahrung, die letzte berufliche Reise in die Region oder auch der spruchreifen Strategie des Unternehmens, in dem wir jeweils arbeiten, austauschen. Bringt ihr Informationen, Kompetenz und gute Laune mit?

Dafür möchten wir uns als Auftakt 2020 am

Freitag, den 7. Februar 2020, 18 Uhr

im Uerige (Düsseldorfer Altstadt, Berger Str. 1, 40213 Düsseldorf) treffen.

Frei nach dem Motto „Cuantos más mejor!” freuen wir uns über Eure Anmeldung bis zum 5. Februar an b.sachsse(at)

Wir freuen uns! Wenn ihr Gäste, die ins Profil passen, mitbringen möchtet, sagt einfach Bescheid.

Liebe Grüße, 

Betina & Franca

  • Datum: Am 11.12.2019
  • Kategorie:Junioren Termine

Stuttgart: Weihnachtsfestessen der LAV-Junioren

Liebe LAV-Junioren, Das Weihnachtsessen der LAV-Junioren in Stuttgart findet dieses Jahr am Mittwoch, den 11. Dezember 2019 um 19:30 Uhr im…

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Liebe LAV-Junioren,

Das Weihnachtsessen der LAV-Junioren in Stuttgart findet dieses Jahr am Mittwoch, den 11. Dezember 2019 um 19:30 Uhr im Tierra del Fuego einem chilenischen Restaurant in Stuttgart statt.

RESTAURANT Tierra del Fuego

Kühornweg 10, 70199 Stuttgart

Wer davor noch Zeit und Lust auf einen Glühwein hat, Treffpunkt 18:00 Uhr am Glühweinstand vor der Eisbahn, um dann um 19:00 Uhr gemeinsam zum Restaurant zu gehen.

Anmeldung - VERPFLICHTEND - bitte bei mir bis Mittwoch, den 4. Dezember 2019: katja.conradt(at)

Jeder ist Selbstzahler. Sagt bitte Bescheid, ob Ihr Allergien/Unverträglichkeiten habt oder Vegetarier/Veganer seid.

Wir freuen uns über zahlreiches Erscheinen!  Kommt Ihr mit?

Viele Grüße und bis bald!


LAV-Junioren Ambassadorin Württemberg

  • Datum: Am 04.12.2019
  • Land:Brasilien
  • Kategorie:Junioren Termine

São Paulo: Criatividade e Inovação - Desafios para as empresas e perfis profissionais no futuro

Como será a empresa, o trabalho, o emprego do futuro? Qual o papel da criatividade, dos propulsores de inovação e em que características o…

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Como será a empresa, o trabalho, o emprego do futuro? Qual o papel da criatividade, dos propulsores de inovação e em que características o profissional e os estudantes de hoje devem focar. Como seria uma formação ideal de cada um de nós?

A velocidade das mudanças no mundo em geral e no ambiente de trabalho tem aumentado exponencialmente. Muitas empresas, carreiras, profissões e funções desaparecerão e novas atividades surgirão. Você está preparado para isso?  

Vamos conversar com a

Dra. Betina von Staa

Gerente Geral – Instituições de Ensino na UOL EdTech

“O que ainda podemos ensinar aos nativos digitais”, “Dias de 36 horas”, “Criatividade não faz milagre”, “Perspectivas do mercado educacional em tempos de transformações aceleradas”, “Desenvolvimento da Criatividade a Distância”, “Educação nos tempos das mídias digitais”, “Professor blogueiro: aluno engajado”, “O jovem do século XXI, tecnologia e educação”: estes são alguns títulos de artigos e entrevistas publicados por Betina von Staa. Ela tem livros publicados sobre a relação entre nativos e imigrantes digitais em casa e na escola e pesquisa sobre impacto da tecnologia educacional, formação de professores para o uso da tecnologia, educação on-line e uso seguro e produtivo da tecnologia em casa e na escola. Doutora em Linguística Aplicada,

Betina coordena o Censo EAD.BR da Associação Brasileira de Educação a Distância. Sua área de interesse é a inovação na área de educação.

Dando seguimento ao encontro do grupo LAV-Juniors organizado  pelo André Ziccardi em São Paulo, venha conversar conosco, discutir o assunto.

DATA: 4 de dezembro de 2019, quarta-feira

HORÁRIO: 18:30 horas

LOCAL: Escritório do Lefosse Advogados, na Rua Tabapuã, 1.227, 14º andar - Itaim Bibi). Seguiremos depois para um Happy Hour no Itaim Bibi.


Moderador: André Ziccardi, Senior Associate, Lefosse; Ambassador LAV-Juniors São Paulo

RSVP:andre.ziccardi(at) / carolina.Jabra(at)