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Latin America Day 2024

We are commemorating this year a milestone event – the 75th anniversary of TheLatin America Day! Our conference provides a deep dive into this dynamic region, which is viewed actually by experts as more peaceful than Eastern Europe, less corrupt than Africa, and more democratic than Asia! Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the Latin American Day 2024, at November 6th and 7th in Hamburg!

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İTanto Tiempo! - 100 Jahre Geschichte(n)

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The LAV – Association for Latin America (Lateinamerika Verein e.V.) is THE business network and information platform for German businesses interested in Latin America, and it has been for over a hundred years.


Follow-up: Women CONNECTed in Business

Am 20. Juni organisierte der Lateinamerika Verein (LAV) gemeinsam mit Euler Hermes und der Agentur für Wirtschaft und Entwicklung (AWE) die…

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Hamburger Außenwirtschaftstag 2024

Am 1. Juli 2024 findet von 9:00 bis 15:00 Uhr der Hamburger Außenwirtschaftstag statt, organisiert von der Handelskammer Hamburg. Diese Veranstaltung…

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Außenwirtschaftstag Hessen 2024

Regional vernetzt – global erfolgreich am 9. Juli 2024 in der IHK Frankfurt am Main 

Aktuelle Themen im internationalen Geschäft, Stimmen aus der…

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Orlando Baquero

General Manager Lateinamerika Verein e.V.

Despite uncertain signs from Latin America, the region remains a very interesting market for investment. The business climate remains good, even though social and societal unrest dominated Latin America's image in this country last year.

MoU with COHEP

The LAV proudly announces the signing of the MoU with the Honduran Council of Private Enterprise (COHEP) during the web conference about sustainable growth in Honduras. Besides the pandemic Honduras got hit by several hurricanes during last year. We want to establish a long-term, trustful, and mutual relationship between Germany and Honduras with the goal of international understanding and improvement of the living conditions.
Our aim is to promote the business opportunities for German entrepreneurs in that region, which is much too often not in the focus of the international economy. Honduras has great opportunities, for example the export of food (mainly natural oils and greases) as well as the import of (petro-) chemicals, automotive parts or machinery and electronics. Of course, the German market is as well a great opportunity for Honduran entrepreneurs, especially the exchange of know-how regarding renewable energies and sustainability.

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100 years Business Association for Latin America

Have a look at the clip on the occasion of our ceremony!

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